High School Course Selection

Momence High School Graduation Requirements

  1. Four (4) years of Language Arts, which must include English levels 1 and 2.

  2. Three (3) years of Mathematics, which must include Algebra 1 and Geometry.

  3. Three (3) years of Social Studies which must include one (1) year of United States History, one (1) year of World Geography, one (1) semester of Civics, and one (1) semester of either Consumer Education or Micro Economics/Personal Finance.

  4. Three (3) years of Science.

  5. One (1) semester of Health Education.

  6. One (1) year of Art, Music, Foreign Language, or Vocational Education.

  7. Physical Education enrollment each semester*. Grade earned in P.E. counts toward GPA.

  8. Additional elective credits needed to reach the total of 27 credits required for graduation.

  9. Complete the ACT.

  10. Earn a passing score on the U.S. Constitution test, IL Constitution test, and earn 4 community service hours (included as a part of Civics).

  11. Students must also complete a FASFA application or waiver in accordance with Illinois School Code to be eligible for graduation.

Course Request Worksheets

Illustration of Honors Courses (Same information found in Course Book linked Above)

Illustration of Core Courses (Same information found in Course Book linked Above)

Illustration of Business Courses (Same information found in Course Book linked Above)

Illustration of Fine Arts Courses (Same information found in Course Book linked Above)

Illustration of CTE Courses (Same information found in Course Book linked Above)


Momence High School College & Career Readiness Alternative Learning Opportunities for Juniors & Seniors

Momence High School believes that one vital aspect of ensuring graduates are ready for life beyond high school is to guide and facilitate their exploration and planning for their next steps after graduation.  As such, MHS supports a variety of options for Juniors and Seniors to engage in opportunities to promote college and career readiness outside of the traditional classroom setting.

Kankakee Area Career Center

Courses at the Career Center are available to Juniors and Seniors who are in good standing and successfully complete the application process during the school year prior to requesting to attend.  To be in good standing, students must have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 (“C”), have an excellent attendance and disciplinary record, and not have credit deficiencies.  There is a registration fee for courses and the availability of specific programs varies.  Most KACC Courses meet during the first three periods of the day.  

Students enrolled in ‘Zero Hour’ programs at KACC that meet from 6:15 AM to 7:45 AM and who are otherwise on track for graduation may apply to have a shortened day at MHS by opting out of either their first or last period. These students must still meet graduation requirements and complete the required number of credits needed for graduation.

College Courses

Seniors enrolled in 6 hours or more of course work at the college level may request a reduction in their class load to a minimum of five classes with proper approval. These students must still meet graduation requirements and complete the required number of credits needed for graduation. 

Juniors and Seniors may complete the college experience independent of MHS or may apply to participate as a dual enrolled student.  Dual enrolled students will be billed by Momence CUSD 1 for their college course work at a discounted rate.  Students must show proof of enrollment and complete the application process with MHS to be considered for dual enrollment and/or a reduced class load with MHS.

College JumpStart

Juniors and Seniors may apply to be considered for the Early College Program.  Early College students will be considered dual enrolled at the higher education institute and Momence High School.  Students will take all courses through the higher education institution and are responsible for ensuring all courses also meet all high school graduation requirements. 

Senior Workplace Experience

Seniors may take a Senior Workplace Experience course.  This course may take the place of up to two regular class periods.  To be eligible for Senior Workplace Experience, students must complete the application process and show proof of employment that includes an average of 10 hours per week.  Students enrolled in Senior Workplace Experience will be permitted to leave campus following their last on-campus course of the day.  Students must stay employed throughout the duration of their time in the class.  Should students become unemployed during the course of the semester, they will have two weeks to secure employment before they will be required to attend an alternative class during 8th period.  Failure to do so will result in a loss of credit for the course. Students enrolled in the course who do not report a loss of employment within 2 school days of becoming unemployed will immediately be removed from the course, be subject to loss of credit of the course as well as possible disciplinary action.